Wink of Stella Enameled Dragonfly

A few weeks ago, I posted this card and promised to do a video tutorial on how I made the Dragonfly embellishment.  Here’s a close-up:

It’s so darned difficult to photograph anything that sparkles.  Turns out it’s difficult to capture on video as well!  After what seems like hundreds of takes, I finally decided to just pull the trigger and post a video.  I’m a bit of a novice at the video editing program I’m using, and the learning curve is pretty steep – at least for me.  I will keep trying, though, and hopefully those rough edges will smooth out over time!  During this video, I mentioned that I had other footage that better showed the sparkling effects, and I do.  However, trying to splice that in proved too much for my pea brain to make happen, and so it ended up on the cutting room floor.  If I can get the software to cooperate, I will do an updated post and let you know. 

Thanks for watching – holler if you have any questions…




Scalloped Tag Topper Card Tutorial tag topper 1I’ve been on a quest to find a good overhead camera mount that would work in my studio set-up.  A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a tutorial to make one for relatively little $$ that seemed like it would work.  Two problems – I didn’t have the tools to do it with and the way they showed the camera being mounted would have given me an upside-down video.  Ugh!  I showed the tutorial to my brother, Bill, and enlisted his help to create a customized version.  Not only did he have the tools to work with, but he was able to engineer a solution to the upside-down problem!  In just a couple of days, he had the whole thing built for me and let me tell you, it works like a charm!!

I gave the new addition a test run over the weekend and was able to produce my very first video tutorial for you!  I am a neophyte at this stuff, and am still on a learning curve for the video editing program I’m using, but for a first effort, I think it turned out pretty good.  So, without further adieu, here’s how to make this card…

Card Base:  8 1/2″ x 5 1/2″

Outside Panel: 2 1/4″ x 5 1/4″

Inside Panel: 5 1/4″ x 4

Click on any of the shown supplies and you will be taken right to the ordering page of my online store!





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